You Can’t Print People.

Staffing mandates may look good on paper, but national policies must work for all people in all places. An estimated 58,000 to 191,000 additional workers will be needed, at a cost of approximately $11.3 billion, to meet CMS’ proposed minimum staffing requirements.
There is NOT a robust careforce pipeline to fill this demand.
Rural districts, which are already impacted by the flight of working-age adults to urban markets, have seen a record number of nursing homes close due to the lack of available staff. Families are being forced to move loved ones far away or to stay home without appropriate medical support. The growing urban-rural divide in senior care won’t be solved with red tape, and mandating the number of nursing staff at skilled nursing facilities with a one-size-fits-all number will only make matters worse.
Moreover, as Medicaid reimbursement rates have fallen behind the rate of inflation and agency staffing costs have skyrocketed, nursing homes are struggling to increase wages.
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